Vasquez specializes in comprehensive financial statement audits across multiple industries. Our experienced team of CPAs conduct rigorous audits tailored to your business needs, ensuring accuracy, transparency in financial reporting, and compliance in accordance with the following standards:
With over three decades of expertise, Vasquez stands as a trusted partner for government agencies seeking meticulous auditing of vendors under FAR Part 31. Specializing in audits based on Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) guidelines, we provide unbiased evaluations of prime and subcontractor proposals submitted to government agencies. Our audits ensure compliance with contract terms and optimizing cost recovery.
Our FAR compliance services cover:
+ Pre-award verification
+ Cost incurred assessments
+ Change order scrutiny
+ Close-out audits
We specialize in single audits conducted under the OMB Uniform Guidance. These audits are essential for organizations that receive federal funding, ensuring compliance with grant requirements and financial integrity. A professional with experience in single audits can guide your organization through this task, advising you on various compliance issues, and help prepare the data collection form and the reporting package for submission to the federal clearinghouse. Our expert team provides thorough and efficient single audit services, helping you navigate the complexities of federal regulations. Trust us to deliver precise and timely audit results, so you can focus on your organization's other needs.
Our single audit services include:
+ Audits in accordance with Uniform Guidance
+ Audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act
+ Program Specific Audits
+ Audit in accordance with OMB Circular A-21
+ Audits in accordance with OMB Circular A-122
+ Completion of the Data Collection Form as required by the Federal Audit Clearinghouse
We offer comprehensive forensic audit services to uncover fraud, financial discrepancies, and mismanagement. Our certified fraud examiners meticulously examine financial records to identify irregularities, document findings, and provide clear, actionable insights. We handle various matters, including fraud detection/investigation, financial exploitation, claim review/litigation, and resolving complex financial issues.